Choosing the right policy

When choosing your insurance policy or provider, it is important you are not lead by price alone. An insurance policy to many is an expense they could do without, that is until they need to make a claim!

You will only find out how good the policy is when a claim arises.

Contact Martin Curran and he’ll tell you of some the horror stories people have endured when making a claim.

So what should you look out for?

  1. Check the small print and make sure you have given accurate information to the insurance company.
  2. If your home is uninhabitable, will you be entitled to alternative accommodation?
  3. What is the policy excess?
  4. Is the policy new for old?
  5. Does the policy have limits for high risk items
  6. Are there any clauses or warranties which might invalidate a claim

Armed with a few facts, you can make an informed choice and find a good compromise between cost and cover.

Chat to Martin Curran & Associates should you need more information.

REFFERAL FEES PAID - As we know our service is invaluable when a claim is made, we offer a referral fee to anyone who refers us.