Cookie Policy

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Privacy Policy

Last modified 10th October 2014

1. Scope

This privacy policy covers your usage of and interactions with this website. The data controller responsible for this website is Martin Curran & Associates. If you have any questions in relation to our use of your details, write to us at 6 Douglas Avenue Wesham Preston Lancashire PR4 3DY.

2. Access to and sharing of data

In addition to any circumstances described below, we may share any data we collect if we are required to share data with the legal authorities to fulfil our obligations under the law of England and Wales.

If we wish to access or share your data in any way not described in this privacy policy, we will contact you beforehand and only proceed with your explicit consent.

3. Data we collect and how we use it

When submitting a form on this website, the submitted data is sent to us. We use this data to contact you in relation to your enquiry. Access to data we collect is limited to the members of our staff who require that data to perform their duties.

4. Changes to this privacy policy

We may occasionally make changes to this privacy policy. Following any changes, the date at the top of the privacy policy will be updated. If any change allows for the wider access to or sharing of data, such changes will only apply to data collected after the date of the updated privacy policy.

REFFERAL FEES PAID - As we know our service is invaluable when a claim is made, we offer a referral fee to anyone who refers us.